Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) is acknowledged today as a father of modern education. His life was characterized by much tragedy: He and his fellow Czech brethren were exiled from their native homeland of Moravia, his family perished to the Black Death, and his life’s work in books and manuscripts were completely lost to fires – twice! Yet, he left behind a mountain of writings which collectively represent his eternal longing for education of all, peace among nations, and tolerance of confessional differences. The vehicle for this mission was ‘Pansophia’, or universal-wisdom. In this special tour we will look at some of the pansophic writings which he wrote in our house in the 17th century.
What attracted Comenius to the Netherlands? What is so important about his ideas? To what degree was he influenced by esoteric and mystical ideas? These questions and others will be addressed in this special tour.
The tour will be given by Corey Andrews. Corey is an assistant researcher at the Ritman Research Institute at the Embassy of the Free Mind. He holds a research master’s (RMA) degree from the History of Hermetic Philosophy department at the University of Amsterdam, where he is currently a PhD candidate.
Praktische informatie
Tickets: €15 (excl. entreebewijs. Museumkaart/I amsterdam City Card/ICOM/Stadspas geldig).
Taal: Engels